Why Wait?

It has been way too long since I’ve blogged and I am without excuse! I hope and pray that all are doing well and are greatly encouraged!

I thought this would be a good time to update everyone on my current relationship status. If we are friends on facebook, you already know the scoop. And if we’re not friends on facebook, let’s make that happen okay?! Lol… Technically I am still “Miss” Love in Waiting, but “Love” has come upon me like a torrential rain. Literally, it feels like perpetual showers of love pouring over me. Yet my days are bright and warm.

It feels overwhelmingly incredible because I didn’t take the easy road and chose to wait…on the Lord. To God be the glory.

There are many blessings in “Waiting”. I had some difficulty seeing them over the last decade and a half, but finally they are blossoming in clear view.

APPRECIATION – I love every little detail of our dates. Night walks around the city, flowers, sharing dreams of the future, long drives with an occasional stop for ice cream, are like gold to me. The gratitude in my heart makes me happy to get out of bed in the morning versus curling up like a ball under the covers in the lower left quadrant of the bed. The joy of the Lord mixed with thankfulness of getting what I really wanted makes for a jubilant me. Our Heavenly Father does not want us to be like spoiled brats, taking for granted and abusing his blessings.

STRENGTH – But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31) I am a living testimony that waiting will not destroy you, no matter how you may feel. The key is to wait “on the Lord”. Strength and honor will become who you are. And that makes you incredibally attractive by the way.

PATIENCE – There is always room for me to grow in patience. It is a wonderful “waiting” blessing. There’s something special about looking back over the years, reflecting over intolerant times, and knowing that you have overcome. Once those patience muscles start developing, you’ll find that it makes this life so much easier to bear. Whether it is love, healing, finances, knowledge, understanding, etc…we’ll always be waiting on something. So might as well learn to loosen up and relax in the process. Life is much more pleasurable this way.

Whatever it is you are waiting for, hold on and never compromise as a means to giving up.

Truly God knows what’s best for us…when our eyes cannot see.

Seeing the blessings,

Miss Love in Waiting

http://facebook.com/candra.thestooppodcast (Hint Hint)
